Wednesday, 30 May 2012

new things to dance to

so many new tings! i hate doing big blog posts but it seems necessary now doesn't it.

the Finnish duo (yet another outlet for us to exercise our mad scando love) finally birthed a new glorious single. considering the soundcloud looks like a caterpillar that went through a shredder, things are guaranteed to get wild
it's seems to be begging for vocals.... DJs of the world, have at it. it's cool, i'll wait. 

is that cowbell i hear.... SOLD.
the Londonner who once brought you this pretty ting now brings you new tings, as you see below. didn't expect the drop to bring about some good ol UK Funky, but oh what a pleasant surprise
dang i hate crappy outtros. can't wait for it to be officially released so we can skip the uncomfortable fade out.

just getting into The Magician and loving his steady, straight up indie groove
no surprises, just a really clean and funky. have a new remix he did of a nifty RAC track.

signing off.

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