Wednesday, 5 September 2012

hometown glory

so much to catch up on! 
i'm workin on it friends... been too busy moving and shaking and catching up with the september issue and my room mates and the fashion blogosphere (i constantly think of starting a fashion blog but i don't think it's socially acceptable to spread myself that thin across essentially every medium of social interaction within the internet. i guess i'll just keep dreaming til i burst.)

this man right here. 
believe it or not he's originally from my very own tiny hometown, wherein we used to oggle from afar at his skinny jeans and pretty face as he belted out homemade lyrics over a killer ska beat.
lately however he's becoming an underground pop creature of Toronto and he threw out a new mixtape this summer that brings me such hometown pride. 

it's so fresh to hear such honest pop music, especially when it boasts direct references to my home turf. the album art is the work of a good friend of mine, Rebecca Ladds. If you hang around tumblr long enough you'll have seen her outstanding work for certain, it circulates like the plague. nice to know such talented and beautiful young people, if anything strictly so i can boast about them like i almost have a real life. 
so proud.

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