Tuesday, 22 November 2011

welcome to my love affair with robyn

alright i couldn't resist.
but I need to plaster this woman on this thing I call a blog 
cause the net needs 
a little more Robyn and a little less cat videos.


You see kids, Robyn and I have had a long and passionate romance. 
Even before she became the electronic queen of Sweden I was listening to her teen pop records from my car seat in kindergarten. 
But more recently her sweet and simple pop voice with those punchy lyrics and bold electronic synths have brought me to my knees. 
And by recently I mean in the last 4 years.

you could say she's a goddess of sorts. 

i'll confess...
Sometimes when I study instead of listening to classical music I just put on a swedish documentary of Robyn and listen to her speak those beautiful words. 
She sounds like a little pixie riding a unicorn.

If you're down for some light music reading, her story about starting Konichiwa Records and liberating herself from the creative control of major labels is really interesting. And not just cause she's a cute little indie chick but because she had them knocking down her door to beg to distribute her electro pop sounds. 
as nice as independent labels are, they're not necessarily the answer to all your musical woes, cause who's gonna help your fancy beats reach my ears? 

childhood fame + creative control of her own label + interested major labels = 
a creatively free pop phenomenon that's still publicized to the masses. 
what a business woman. 

and then there's her music.

essentially all i can say about call your girlfriend is 
2.19 - 2.44

that seam that you try so desperately to find, where voice becomes keyboard. 
literally becomes
i challenge you to find it. only the Lord knows how she does it so flawlessly. 
my only explanation is she's a robot. 

I could go on about all its glory and complexity and simplicity but it's all useless banter next to those 25 seconds. 

So of course I never thought a satisfying cover of Call Your Girlfriend could exist, since it would never give me my perfect 25 seconds. 

Then Erato happened. 
leave it to the swedes to blow me off my horse once again.
thanks guys.

Tack Sverige

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